Unexpected Dangers for Your House if You Don’t Repaint
Maintaining your house is essential for its long-term health, and painting it regularly is a key element of this maintenance. But all too often, homeowners underestimate the impact of neglecting their painting needs. You shouldn’t. Be sure to hire a residential painter when you need them. Here’s what could happen if you won’t:
Diminished Property Value
When it comes time to sell your home, an outdated paint job can drag down the price tag. Buyers quickly notice a house that appears shabby and worn out, so older and dingier paint can reduce the cost of your home by ten percent or more. But if you’re up to date on your painting jobs, you can not only keep your home looking great but add to its overall value.
Premature Aging
When you fail to paint regularly, the sun’s UV rays will quickly cause damage to wood, vinyl, and aluminum surfaces. In addition, you’ll be subject to more frequent bouts of mold, mildew growth, and other forms of decay that can lead to additional repairs.
Increased Maintenance Expenses
If you’re neglecting your paint jobs, you’re also accumulating more maintenance expenses. Paint acts as a protective layer, providing both insulation and an extra weather-resistant coating. But if you leave it unchecked, you’re more likely to need repairs and replacements that you wouldn’t have had to do if you’d kept up with the paint.
Improper Coverage
When paint starts to wear down, it becomes harder to tell whether your current coat is providing the coverage you need for your home. Paint is responsible for moisture-proofing your home, and coverage is essential for protecting it from future water and humidity damage. Too little coverage and you’re at risk for all sorts of costly repairs.
Increased Fire Danger
For older homes that have been neglected for too long, paint can act as a fire accelerant. What’s more, it can hide the warning signs that may otherwise clue you into potential fire hazards. Keeping up with painting jobs can not only provide a layer of solid protection but also allow you to stay ahead of developing fire hazards — better safe than sorry.
A reliable residential painter like Pacific Coast Painting Co is the one that you can trust for an affordable lawn service in the area. We’re known in all Salinas, CA for the quality services that we’re offering at affordable prices. For inquiries, don’t hesitate to call us at (831) 758-5965!