Tips From a Residential Painter for Painting Over Old Interior Paint

Expert Tips for Painting Over Old Interior Paint

You could ask how to paint an old house if you have a historic house that needs updating. Because historic homes are quirky, a residential painter loves them. However, they also require a bit more work than brand-new homes. Here is the best painting over old interior paint advice from professionals.

Maintaining Your Home’s Charm When Painting Over Old Interior Paint

Spending more time in the preparation phase before painting will help keep the charm of your historic home. To maintain the architectural integrity of your property, you must do more than simply sand* and tape; you must also look out for historical paint colors that are appropriate for the period. Start by looking up historical home colors on Pinterest and Instagram. Although most paint manufacturers provide a historic paint line, a professional can assist you in choosing the ideal antique color scheme for walls, trim, and accents when painting over outdated interior paint.

Prepping Properly To Get the Best Results

Preparation is the first step in painting outdated interior paint, as it is in any house. Besides that, because of the age and nature of the materials, you’re working with, older homes may require more preparation than contemporary ones. They might need additional scrubbing, repairing, or priming. Also, repainting is an excellent opportunity to smooth out any popcorn ceilings in your house. If your property has hidden damage like mold, mildew, or wood rot, you can be in for some shocks when it comes to prepping. And preparing plaster is done differently than preparing wallboard, for instance.

Using the Right Tools

When painting newer homes, you only need a can of paint, a tarp, tape, rollers, and brushes. However, earlier houses could have a variety of wall coverings, including brick, paneling, block (cinder or glass), plaster, or block. To achieve the best results, each of these calls for a different painting technique and perhaps a particular tool.

Need a residential painter in Salinas, CA? Trust Pacific Coast Painting Co for the job. For a skilled painter, call (831) 758-5965 now!

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